Never Fear

 It is time to address that monster under the bed called fear. Fear can so easily scare us in the dark, but just as we learned from childhood, it turns out that it’s nothing but an illusion. We have the power to see our fears for the paper tigers they really are. We have the ability to awaken to our true reality, and when we do, we see that it is sublime.

Of course, it’s quite understandable that we have fear here because the human experience is tremendously scary. We are going through a process of feeling separate from everyone, and our fears feel very real indeed. In addition, we have been trained to be fearful beyond normal survival instincts, as evidenced by the violence around us.

Most of all, our society uses fear to control us, and perhaps the most obvious way is through TV. The media broadcasts fear to keep us watching in a stupor so that we give our power away. It keeps us distracted by buying things that will never make us feel good enough, let alone fulfill our beautiful souls. We have been taught to use fear to keep each other safe and manageable, and we internalize these methods, using them against our very selves. We also bury our fears in denial, and so fear controls us behind the scenes. You see, when you hide from something, it gains power over you that worsens with every silent step you take.

The truth is that our fears are our buried beliefs that have refused greater love. So often as humans, we believe that other people don’t love us, and so we act in unhealthy ways. We also don’t love ourselves enough, and so we are afraid to give love to others. But what you are afraid of is what you are learning on your path, and your fears can show you the growth that you desire. Best of all, when you face your fears, they dissolve right before your eyes. This is truly a liberating process because you are actually shifting your limiting beliefs. 

For example, if I face my particular fear of being rejected by others, I realize that I believe in being rejected, and deep down I’ve been rejecting myself. By investigating my fears, I recognize my own lack of self-love. I pinpoint one of my essential lessons for this life.

Now more than ever, recognizing fear and letting it go is crucial to spiritual growth. If you avoid fear, it only grows in shadow, but when you acknowledge it, you live with awareness of your fear, and it lessens its control. But in order to fully free yourself from fear, you must face it head. You must allow yourself to fully experience your fears so that you can finally let them go. When you do, you gain the experience of shifting your beliefs. You grow in astounding ways.

When you see just how you have been limiting yourself – just how much you have denied yourself love, the world opens wide, as does your life. What you accomplish is phenomenal, and to walk stronger forward feels like a dream come true. And then you remember that truly there is never anything to fear on this earth because you are immortal, and nothing can ever really harm you.

You are invincible, and fear is only superficial shadow. Fear keeps you stuck in three dimensional limitations, but love lifts you out of the mire. When you choose love instead of fear – when you trust the wider spiritual world, you find your freedom again. You remember who you are.

Fear has been an ever-present part of our evolution, but now we are outgrowing its control. Fear has helped our survival, but we are moving beyond survival mode now, and it is time to let it go. We are remembering our infinite power to create a loving world that is an accurate reflection of who we really are. This is the blissful, new earth that humanity is beginning to build. This is the new dream of life, and it leaves fear far behind.

2 comments to Never Fear

  1. Wanda
    April 17, 2013

    I am sooo ready to fully release that, which is fear, which is a constant wall in my life that’s blocking my completion and my success. Thank you for the insightful breakdown.

  2. Richard
    January 26, 2016

    there are so many things that I fear…but I want to get ahead of them…I have blocked out people in the past because I was afraid to speak my mind and for fear of rejection from family have not said things to keep the peace and keep them happy…I just don’t know how to start and I am not a young person…lol…I just found this website few days ago …things are looking up..!

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