September-Relax in Sound

Show up. 

Lay down.
Close your eyes, and Relax in Sound.

You can reserve you space HERE

This will be experiential! If this is your first Sound Bath, it will be unlike anything you have experienced!

Your experience is going to be truly individual and unique to the person next to you. As you are washed in a virtual “bath” of healing sounds, the tones build and evolve, producing a sea of sound that is both timeless and alive.

The sounds interact powerfully with our bodies, cleansing and rejuvenating us at the deepest cellular levels; physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Blocks and tensions are washed away, leaving you centered, refreshed, energized, and fully present and connected with the world around you.

Time of Event:
7:00pm – 8:00pm

6:45pm doors open
7:00pm sound bath begins
(no one will be permitted past 7pm to respect the experience of others)
8:00pm up, grounded, and out the door

How do I dress?
Please dress comfortably as you will be laying down on the floor. You will be asked to take off your shoes, so please wear socks if that will be more comfortable.

What to bring?
+Yoga Mat (this is not a yoga studio so no mats will be provided)
+Really, anything that will make you feel more comfortable laying on the floor. (blanket, pillow, bolster, yoga mat, etc.) 

Some of the most frequent benefits people have experienced in a Sound Bath included:
• relief from stress or anxiety
• pain reduced
• peace of mind and mental clarity
• emotional healing or release
• continuing self development
• better sleep
• spiritual connection, integration and wholeness.

Looking forward to seeing you!

PLEASE NOTE: If you have have a history of seizures, or currently have thrombosis, you will not be permitted without a doctors note with their permission to participate. Sound Baths are not recommended for women in their first to 8 weeks of pregnancy.

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