The New Men Group with Scott Hall


Has it frustrated you to see power-hungry men misrepresenting manhood?

Have you been quietly standing by, as wrongs finally seem to be righted, as old paradigms shift from patriarchal dominance to a society with more expansive equality?

Have you been happy to support the women you love, watching as they speak up for themselves and step into their empowerment, but wishing you could jump in and do your part?

And what is your part? Do you know?

This is the time to redefine, reimagine and rebuild ourselves so we too can stand empowered and strong, but with compassion and an ability to support in a loving way.

A modern definition of manhood must have love, kindness, intuition and empathy standing right up there with strength and supportiveness.

In The New Men Group you will learn how to combine strength and boundaries with love, sensitivity and spirituality in your life.

Through learning, sharing and discussion, you will come to a better understanding of what manhood means for you. You will end up with a directive of sorts, an expansive definition of what it means to be a man in the new paradigm.

The New Men Group meets the fourth Thursday of each month at The Center for Love and Light. See below to register.


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